Everyone is doing really well except for our condo - it looks like a baby bomb hit us hard. Everyone room has been taken over by baby stuff. As I scan the condo I see, a baby car seat, blankets, burp cloths, a bassinet, clean unsorted baby clothes, a baby monitor, a pack'n play, cards from all our family and friends (thank you everyone), breast pump, baby bottles and everything that goes with them, more blankets, baby bath tub and all sorts of baby products, changing table, all sorts of 'how-to' baby books, Gemma's black'n white toys, Gemma soft cloth book, nail file, diapers, diaper bag... I can go on and on.. you get the picture. :)

And yesterday I had my 6 week check-up! I've lost 20 of the 28 pounds I gained - still feel chunky, especially around the middle. :) My blood pressure was good = 102/62. Dr. Hoff said I was fully recovered and ready to have another child. Eeeks!!!! And then directly prescribed birth control for us. Yahoo!!! :) Not that we wouldn't want to have another child (still undetermined) but it would be too soon, ya know? :)

So in my family it is traditional for the children to have many nick-names. Growing up my big nick-name was 'Gibbities' - don't know why but that is what everyone called me (glad they don't anymore - hahaha). My niece Isabella is also known as Bella, Bootsie - Vittoria is also known as Peluca-lu and Lulu. Ok - here's our current short list for Gemma's nick names, but who knows what will stick and what new ones we and our family and friends will come up with:
* Gemma-jams
* Gemmita (with the Spanish accent)
* Goth Girl (just as I predicted - dark hair and eyes, light skin)
* Snow White
* Blanca Nieves ('Snow White' in Spanish)
* Squeaker
* Velociraptor (she's found her voice this past week and has been experimenting with all sorts of funny sounds)
* Preciosa ('precious' in Spanish)
* Fuzz ball
* Love Monkey
* Fake-out Queen (she pretends to wake up and then almost immediately falls back to sleep again)
* Little Houdini (she gets out of almost every swaddle we put her in!)
* Leelu Dallas Multipass :)
That's about all for now - I'm off to bed now and prepare for the next Gemma feeding. :) Hope everyone is doing super well. :)