Her favorite things to do these days:
* Babble and squeal in delight, especially in the mornings.
* Screech in discomfort - this little girl has some lungs on her especially when we misread the cues like when I try to feed her and she wants to nap!
* Chew on both index fingers at the same time. It is hilarious and I have get a picture of this.
* Produce saliva like it is going out of style, especially in bubble form.
* Grab her toes! - She did this for the first just this past week!
* Play 'shy girl' in the mirror - she looks at herself, smiles, turns away only to turn back to the mirror and smile again at herself. She also likes to play this game with her daddy too.
* She likes to sit up these days and observe everything, especially Blitz .
* Her mouth is the first line of defense when investigating anything and everything!
* She loves her bunny, we call him Frank the bunny, sometimes Frank ze bunny (a mountain climber) or Frank le bunny (a chef)

* Weight = 14lbs 2 oz. - she's doing good, but dropped from 75% to 65%
* Head Circumference = 16.14 ", maintaining at 50%
* Height = 24" , maintaining at 50%

So a friend of ours loaned us their child scale (thanks Gary & Jen!) to do weigh-and-feeds to see how much she is really getting. She should be getting at least 4 oz but preferably 5 to 6 oz at each feed, per the lactation consultants. At the clinic I went to yesterday she only got 2 oz. But that was in the afternoon and she definitely eats more in the mornings. Hopefully the scales will help me understand what is going on better.
Here is Blitz, of course, weighing in on the topic. LOL! We found out he weighs 7.5lbs. He's doing much better and starting to regain some of his weight after his illness. :)

Just before the weather turned, Gemma and I went out for a walk around Lake Elizabeth:

Wishing you all the best!
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