Rosi left for jazz camp this morning.. She's going with her brothers, and will be there for the next week. It's located out in the forest near Woodside, far from civilization, at a YMCA camp in LaHonda. This means that Blitz and I are bachelors again, on our own for the next week. Freedom! No responsibilities, no pregnant wife to take care of! It's heaven! Wait, no, I'm bored and lonely. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.
Phil and Gonzalo got in from LA about midnight last night, making the long drive in great time. They managed to squeeze their giant truck full of gear into our small garage... the truck could be no larger and the garage no smaller in any way for things to have still fit. It was kind of impressive, really, every cubic foot of garage was filled by truck. Rosi was up late packing but managed to get some sleep in while preparing to leave. Everyone was up early to finish getting ready, and then at about 10am they left, off for the woods to commune with nature and music.
Blitz and I promptly took a nap.
Here are some pictures!

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