Over Thanksgiving, my father met Gemma for the first time. It was quite emotional and an extremely important event for the whole family but especially for me, my father and Gemmita.
Thank you, my Lord, for this wish that you have granted me
I praise you and bless you for such a marvelous thing
For this little person
For this jewel
I ask you Lord that you bless her always
Straighten her roads
Shorten her paths, Lord Jesus
You brought her here for something
And something you will make of her
Unleash all of your love, all of your blessings, all of your protection on her
and her adoring parents, Rosaura and Scott
I give you thanks, Lord, because you granted me my wish of meeting her
and to tell you, Lord Jesus Christ, how Great you are, how Great you are
How will I ever repay you
So many blessings
I thought I would never arrive at this point
But I have arrived... and now I can leave
Whenever you wish
Thank you, my Lord, for the beauty, for the love, for the affection...
For all these things...