Hello everyone! We hope the holiday season is going well for you! Gemma is changing so much! She's becoming quite vocal and making new sounds everyday. She continues her love affair with her hands. And recently her favorite games are a game we call "Earthquake or Terremoto" - yes, our little Budha baby loves to be man-handled - and a game we call "Super Baby or Super Nina" - she loves to fly! Her neck strength continues to improve and she holds her head up quite well these days.
Superrrrr Nina:

Hanging out at Blossom Birth, just chillin':

Since we've been back from LA, we've been busy recuperating (mainly) but also managed to do quite a lot including, me performing with Silicon Vibe for the first time in 6 months, purchasing a new car (Scott traded in his Ford Mustang Bullet for a Ford Escape Hybrid - his idea), going to Mom & Baby Yoga, visiting CrystalD, and having visits or visiting our friends Sus & Troels, Magda, Marisa, Juli, Rocio, Mark & Nerissa, oh, and just Saturday, Gemma and I went caroling! :)
Reluctant Santa Baby:

Gemma at work with Daddy:

Blitz checking out the new car:

Daddy time, I mean "Mass Effect" time!

I think she may have dimples! :)

Spending time with her friend Miriam, Sus and Troels' baby girl - they had the exact same due date! Their personalities are so different - it is wonderful to see them change and develop together!

Silvia, Rocio's baby girl, is 7 months older than Gemma - I know they will be good friends one day. :)

Bubble time!
1 comment:
She is such a Chubba Chunk! Too cute!
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