Sorry for not writing sooner, so much is going on in life right now... illnesses, marriages, birthdays (Happy 90th Birthday, Grandma Krotz), performances, breakdowns, healing, forgiveness... I'll write more about it all in another entry but for now here are some videos to get everyone acquainted with Gemma's world. :)
Buenos dias
Our morning ritual, I sing to her to help wake her up. This particular morning she was sooo enchanted with her hands and fingers that she didn't give us her usual coos and smiles. These days her world revolves around her hands, especially her right thumb. This new discovery is wonderful since she soothes herself back to sleep if she wakes up in the middle of the night. As a result the past 4 nights she's been an angel sleeper; 2 nights sleeping 9 hours straight, then 9.5 hours and last night 10.5 hours! Each time I woke up before she did with my boobs just aching to offload stored up milk for her.
Daddy Time
Here she is a little more awake having some daddy time before he heads off to work:
Bee Time
Play time for Gemma. She Loooves her bee mobile! :)
querida mamacita y papacito: it is very nice to hear that you are all doing well. gemma looks more grown up and still very beautiful. thanks you both for sharing all your once in a life time momments. we, the rodrigues family, appreciate very much the time and the diligent escriptures that we get to read about your lives.
thank you for letting us know about your family in southern california, especially about your dad's condition. we send our love and hugs. call me if we could help you in anything (i.e. babysitting) we love you all..cristina, vern , daniella., alex rodrigues oxoxoxoxo
Hey Tio & Tia & Gemma( I forgot Blitz)! I'm glad she is doing well! The last time I saw her was when you came for thanksgiving! Hope all is well! She gets even prettier month by month! See you soon! ~f
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