Our last doctor visit was fine... things are still on track. It was a little anti-climactic - I guess this is when the waiting game starts..... Here are some stats:
* My blood pressure = 108/60
* My blood type = 0+ (Universal donor - I like that!)
* My weight gain = -1lbs. I was surprised about this. Apparently I've been much better about my salt intake this past week. The doctor suggested I had less water retention than last time. Over all I'm still on track having gained 26lbs so far.
* Gemma's hear rate = 152! :) She's a healthy little girl
* Gemma's position = She's heading south! She's solidly 'head-down. :)
* No dropping yet - still at station -3 (the highest position)
* No dilation
I'm actually excited that she's not ready to come out yet. I'm still feeling pretty good. For sure I need to take more breaks and I appreciate being able to be at home now and do that. I've been keeping myself busy with meeting with friends and doing more decluttering (it never stops!).
Our last big task - the car seat
We made an appointment with the 'chief guru of car seats' at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford. This man, Benjamin Arias, has installed over 5000 car seats since 2004!!!! Even though Scott did a fantastic job installing the car seat (he gave Scott an 'A+") - we still wanted it checked by a professional.

The flaw: Apparently the Pruis has latch systems for the left and the right side passenger seats but not the middle. Folks think there is one there because it is close enough to appear to be one but is isn't reinforced. So lots of parents, including Scott, installed it in the center borrowing one latch from the right and one from the left. If there was an accident, the car seat bar could break in this configuration. The solution: Use the seat belts for the center seat (center is still preferable for safety reasons). :)
Funny note: So we waited almost 3 weeks to get an appointment with Ben. We were so relieved to be able to have it checked - the last thing on our list. That same day, a friend was lending me some baby stuff and helped pack the car. Well there was a lot of baby stuff (including a chair) and before I knew it the long-awaited-car-seat-install was undone. Hahaha. I just had to laugh. I'm really happy that Scott laughed too.
So Scott looked at the video and reinstalled it - we have to learn anyway. But since then it recently was accidentally undone again by my mother trying to put her seat belt on.
Just goes to show you, life is funny and ya just have to roll with it.
Love and safety to you all!
ps. This service at LPCH is FREE!
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