Wow, we had a wonderful time in LA this past weekend. My sister, Maria, hosted a fantastic party for us at The Raymond Restaurant in Pasadena.

My sister, Carmen and her partner, Lisa. My parents! :)

The Smith family plus some guest stars :Vittoria, Carlos, David, Isabella, Sophia and Katharina. Here's a sweet shot of Maria, Betito and Eddie:

My brother Gonzalo! My brother Felipe

These are my friends from college:
Delia was my best buddy in college. With her is her boyfriend, Randy. To the right is a picture of Randy's son, Jordon, with Delia's son, Carlos.

And here are my friends, Jonathan and Linda with their son David. Jonathan and I were in the same freshman dorm together. To the right is a picture of Diana and her son Joaquin. We danced together in Ballet Folklorico de Stanford. She was one of the premiere dancers! :)

And last, but not least, is Mrs. Limon. She is the mother of the Limon sisters who we grew up with. She's a great friend. :) Leigh Limon, her youngest daughter and our friend, just had her baby boy, Tristan, 1 week earlier. We were really happy Mrs. Limon, aka Jessica, could make it to the party.

Italian = bambino
Russian = malish
Korean = ehgi
Spanish = bebe
Vietnamese = cong
Portugese = bebe
My brothers also played some music for us - acoustic versions of the Eagles' "Hotel California" and Kansas' "Dust in the Wind" and some blues. It was fun and folks joined in on the singing.

It was a _wonderful_event and we thank everyone who was able to make it and especially thank my sister Maria for organizing it all. We felt really loved and supported. :) We can't wait for Gemma to meet everyone! :)

Saturday night we spent it hanging out with Delia and her son Carlos and had dinner at a posh Italian restaurant called Mi Piace. Thank goodness we came there early because by the time we left there was a major line inside and outside of the restaurant. The food was super delicious.
We ended the night in a wonderful room at the Westin in Pasadena that Maria and Eddie generously gave us. Thank goodness for hotel points! Scotty and I slept sooooo well. It was heavenly.... ahhhh! :)
The next morning we had a great breakfast at my parents house. Gonzalo joined us for a yummy home-made Mexican breakfast - huevos rancheros con hongos y fruta!!!!
The drive back wasn't as bad as I had originally thought - we stopped literally every hour to let me stretch and go to the bathroom. I did well but at the very end I started to feel my feet swell up. Eeks.
Blitzy was sooooo excited to see us. :) This was the last trip before the baby comes...glad to be home now. :) :)
Here are some other shots I couldn't help but post:

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