These past 2 weeks I did also blossom and gained 4 lbs! Eeeks. Magda, one of my best friends, reminded me that right now I am not in control of my body, the baby is. She'll do and take what she needs right now. It was a good reminder. Gracias Magda!
Some stats:
* My blood pressure = 102/62
* Gemma's heart rate = 155 (she's gonna be a wildcat!)
* My fundal length (pelvic bone to top of uterus) = 32 cm
* Weight gain = 4 lbs.
We are off today to visit mi familia in LA. They are throwing us a baby shower. We are excited to see them all. It will be the last time I see the whole family before Gemma arrives in 6 more weeks.
We'll be taking the scenic route down the 101 and stopping 1/2 way in San Luis Obispo tonight at the Apple Farm Inn. It is a little more flowery than we are used to but it comes highly recommended. Something new for us to try. :) We'll make the rest of the way to LA Saturday morning. Looking forward to it all.
Abrazos y besos a todos!
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